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Manakarambai-Thiruvayaru Roundaanaa

Trichy By-Pass Road, Palliagraharam

Thanjavur, Tamilnadu - 613003

Our Services
  • Teflon Coating 5 Layers with PTFE
  • Ceramic Coating
  • Organic-Eco Friendly Foam Wash
  • Rubber Polishing
  • Interior Enrichment
  • Under Chasis Coating
  • Silencer Coating
  • Glass Polishing
  • Chrome Polishing
  • Headlight Polishing
  • Battery Terminal Coating
  • Tar Removal
  • Rain Repellent
  • Rat Repellent
  • Odour Removal
Organic Eco-Friendly Foam Wash

Our Triple P (Prevent, Preserve, Protect) ecowash non-toxic, biodegradable soap that is free of phosphates, fragrance, chlorine and petroleum-based ingredients preserves the original paint, prevents scratches. It also prevents the corossion of car's undercarriage or underchasis.

Teflon Coating

Delta's Teflon aka PTFE coating provides a protective layer that acts as a barrier against environmental hazards like dust, dirt and debris, preventing scratches and dullness on the paintwork.

Its water-repellent, non-stick surface repels dirt and grime, and prevents scratches, particularly for cars driven on rough terrain or heavy traffic.

Enrichment services

We at Delta care applied detailed thoughts in selecting products that preserves the asthetics of the car still removing the dirt, debris and odour.